Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? As if you are only treading water, not going anywhere, barely keeping your head above water. I spent some of last year feeling exactly that - like I was doing the same thing every day and achieving nothing at all. I felt like my photography was same old same old, my steps into something new were getting me nowhere, and life was just the same routine, day after day.
I thought I would share the steps I took to get out of my rut now, at the start of the new year, so you can kickstart your 2019. The first thing I did was try something new with photography. I have a pretty distinct style - I love colour and I love country landscapes. I will include a couple of pictures that illustrate the things that I tried below. The first shot is pretty standard 'me'. Beautiful, but similar in style to others. The second two images are extremely different to the normal images I take, but I love both of them. They sparked the creativity again and reignited the enthusiasm that had gotten a bit lost in the rut. So, if what you are doing over and over isn't inspiring you any more, step out and try something new.
I took a moment with my coffee (because moments are not as meaningful without coffee) to stop and reflect on the year. I wrote a list of things that I was genuinely thankful for that had happened, and the progress that I had made in all areas of my life throughout the year. Do you know what? When I stopped to reflect it was actually quite a long list. When you are stuck in a rut, it is sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees. It is easy to get caught in the mundane and forget that every step forward is still progress. Even if it feels like it is nothing, it is something to be thankful for.
I found facebook groups or online short courses that I could use to educate myself in the areas where I was feeling stuck. I got information from people who are where I want to be and started to implement changes to the way I was doing things. I followed people on facebook and instagram who are heading the same way I am, who have similar goals and beliefs. I surrounded myself with likeminded, positive influences who I could learn, grow, and be inspired by.
I also started saying yes. Yes to things that scared the absolute life out of me. Yes to things that I felt God leading me into, even when everything in me was screaming to say no. Yes to jobs that took me out of my comfort zone, and yes to photography jobs, even though I struggle with confidence and it is so much easier to just say no. I said yes when I felt God leading me to write a blog, and yes to creating a website, even though I didn't have a single clue how to create one.
In your life, if you feel like you are stuck in a rut, appreciate the small daily steps that are leading you to your dreams. Take time to be thankful for the progress you have made, even if it feels like you are getting nowhere. Surround yourself with positive influences that you can learn from. Say yes to some things that scare the life out of you. Do something different in just one area. Let me know how you go.